Vision Therapy
What Is Vision Therapy (VT)?
At Vision Source Titusville, we are able to provide vision therapy, which is a service that helps people improve their visual abilities. It works to improve these basic abilities much like occupational therapy, speech therapy or physical therapy works to improve other basic skills. There are many important skills needed in order for our visual system to work efficiently. Sometimes these skills don’t develop the way they should, but with therapeutic exercises and techniques, we are able to help the brain and eye develop more of what they need to see properly.
Some of the visual skills that can be developed and improved through vision therapy include :
1. Tracking: Tracking is vitally important for reading and comprehension. One must be able to move their eyes accurately to get full meaning when reading across a line of print.
2. Fixation: The ability to find a look at a series of stationary objects ( words on a page).
3. Visual Discrimination: The ability to detect small differences, like Henry not Harry or through not though.
4. Binocularity: Our eyes are designed to work together, as one.
5. Peripheral Vision: This is the ability to notice things not in your direct line of sight. This is important for knowing where to look next when reading.
6. Visual Memory: This is “picturing” in our minds what we’ve seen before. Most great readers, writers, and spellers have above average visual memory skills.
Who Can VT Help?
People who have participated in vision therapy report a wide range of benefits. The benefits are different for everyone and depend on each person’s experience. Younger patients have noticed they get better grades in school and homework is no longer such a chore to complete. Adults report they work more efficiently in the office. Patients of all ages report that reading is easier, they have improved in sports, and they no longer get stress related headaches.
Vision therapy means once a week visit to our office for a period of time, where you or your child will work with a trained vision therapist under the supervision of an optometrist. You will be guided through a series of activities designed to correct visual processing problems and/or build visual skills. The activities are fun but challenging and you will also be assigned activities to do at home.
We’re passionate about vision therapy, because we have seen the difference it has made in so many lives! If you or your child is struggling with any of the above listed issues, schedule your appointment today to see if vision therapy could potentially help improve your quality of life.