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Products We Love: Silhouette Eyewear Is The Iconic Eyewear Of The Minimalist Age

Every so often we discover a product that we know is a real game-changer.


Like when we realized how valuable it is to have the right anti-reflective coating on glasses.

Or when we began offering daily contact lenses to our patients, and found them to be quite literally life-changing.

Or when we started carrying specific eye vitamins after our doctors researched their health benefits for our patients who struggle with conditions like macular degeneration and dry-eye syndrome.


Like when we were first introduced to Silhouette Eyewear.


Our office manager, Kim, met our Silhouette Eyewear account executive, Cathy, at a Vision Source meeting in Pittsburgh over five years ago. Because we had not had the best of luck with rimless eyeglasses in the past, Kim was interested in this line that seemed to be a cut above the rest.  Their conversation led to us deciding to give the renowned Silhouettes a try, and we haven’t looked back since.

What’s So Great About Silhouette Eyewear?

Our Silhouette lines have proven to be one of our top sellers, and we think we know why; there are so many things to love about both the product and the company itself:

Silhouette Eyewear is a family-owned company.

Silhouette Eyewear originated in 1964 by Arnold and Anneliese Schmied. The Austrian couple founded their business on this philosophy: they wanted to make the best eyewear available in the world – and they’ve done it. The small company that began in Linz, Austria and employed five people has grown exponentially. Coming into their 3rd generation, the Schmieds and the now thousands of employees that have joined their team are looking forward to exciting new eyewear designs, in keeping with their history of innovation.

Silhouettes are more than just eyeglasses – they’re pieces of art.

Each Silhouette frame is carefully made at their international headquarters in Austria. Over 80% of the crafting process is still done by hand, and the process the frame goes through takes 40 days to complete. The company executes each step itself from start to finish – everything from design to manufacturing and distribution. Their frames aren’t your regular eyeglasses; they’re artistic creations symbolizing decades of cutting edge work.

Silhouettes are customizable to your individual preferences.

Silhouette offers so many different lens shapes and frame designs it is honestly hard to choose from all the combinations. Whichever lens shape you like best with your individual features can be used in your favorite frame, which makes your pair of glasses totally your own.

Silhouettes are extremely lightweight and durable.

One of the things we hear most often that people love about their Silhouettes is that they can hardly feel them on their face. They eliminate that feeling of thick heaviness you may feel with some frames, and are lightweight and comfortable without being fragile.  Truly, nothing feels like a Silhouette!

Silhouettes offer an iconic minimalism that can still speak to your personal style.

Rimless frames are timeless, clean, and sophisticated. They reveal more of your face so that we see you, not your glasses. Silhouettes offer this minimalism, but with different shapes and intricate details that will still speak to your style and personal fashion.

Silhouettes are a well-worth-it investment.

Silhouettes are an investment. They signify a lifestyle, a culture, and a personal statement, all while being functional and meeting your everyday needs. If taken care of correctly, these frames should last you for years to come. We think these custom, artistic, comfortable, stylish eyeglasses are more than worth it!



So there you have it – we know that Silhouette Eyewear is the leading brand of innovative eye wear on the optical market, but you need to experience them for yourself! Come in and talk to our opticians to take a look at our Silhouettes and find the best lens and frame combination for you.